July 2020

Deep Learning with Shallow Investment:
A DeepCortex Tutorial

Nowadays, a technology company without a data strategy is akin to a company not having a mobile plan five years ago – completely unacceptable. Around 2005, any company without “big data” was small potatoes. More recently, a company without [you name it]-as-a-service was woefully retrograde. Are technology companies a bunch of sheep that hew to the buzzwords du jour? Absolutely. Is it wise for a contemporary company to forgo a… Read More »Deep Learning with Shallow Investment:
A DeepCortex Tutorial

5 Takeaways From Building a No-Code Website

AI-juiced robots now trounce chess Grandmasters and wallop the best Go players. Robo-umps call balls and strikes more accurately than human umpires. Robots in modern manufacturing plants perform heavy lifting and repetitive tasks with a few supervisory humans on-hand. No-code platforms for websites have become so good, I wonder if computer programmers will eventually join the endangered species list. The following is a personal journey, not a definitive treatise on… Read More »5 Takeaways From Building a No-Code Website

Should We Demand Humanity from Our Autonomous Vehicles?

Like it or not, we’re on the cusp of self-driving cars. There’s still plenty to sort out from a liability and insurance perspective, but this is surmountable. The steeper challenge may come from wresting control of the steering wheel from the paws of us fallible humans. The public looks on aghast when a death occurs from an autonomous car crash that is a no-brainer for humans. When the Tesla on… Read More »Should We Demand Humanity from Our Autonomous Vehicles?