June 2020

The Unpredictability of Covid Prophesyzing

Now that Vegas is reopened, bookies could start a new line of COVID-19 odds-making: Will business travel be forever reduced? Will sneeze-guarded supermarket salad bars become relics of the past? Will the French stop their double-cheek kissing? The bookies would give this last one long odds. Gallons of digital ink have been splashed prognosticating about the lasting effects of COVID-19. There’s nothing wrong with making predictions. If anything, a bit… Read More »The Unpredictability of Covid Prophesyzing

Digital Apps Will Not Save Us:
The Eminent Practicality of Basic Contact Tracing

Contact tracing has been used for decades to fight Tuberculous, Smallpox, Ebola, and STDs. Despite the vast success of contact tracing in eliminating the world’s most dangerous diseases, it has always been a delicate dance between public health and personal privacy. New smartphone technology for contact tracing raises the big-brother hackles of people who distrust the data practices of the big corporations building these apps. As stay-at-home restrictions in the… Read More »Digital Apps Will Not Save Us:
The Eminent Practicality of Basic Contact Tracing